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Monday, July 28, 2008

The challenges of a coach

Saturday saw the last of my swimmers leaving for their home countries for the final camps before they compete at the Beijing Olympics. This brings together the total of 8 swimmers from different African countries and 3 swimmers I worked closely with (them and their coach) that will be representing South Africa. This leaves me with mixed emotions. Different feelings are running through my head and heart. These are most often positive and negative ones. These include:

  • Having wished them well as I saw them for the last time ever (as some of them from the African countries won’t be returning) and others till after the Olympics
  • Knowing that everything I could have done was done BUT was it enough?!
  • Knowing there is nothing else I can do to improve their preparation. As they now enter into the FUNNY phase, we scientists and coaches refer to as The TAPER!!! Now it is just up to their bodies to respond and recover. They need the rest.
  • Trusting that I have allowed for enough rest for those coming off big volume and those not that the stimulus I am still providing to them with the programs has incorporated enough rest so that they don’t go into the event feeling tired. Rest is such an important aspect of performance and cannot be neglected and is not less important that good volume of training. One soothing thought is that as a top world re-known Australian recovery specialist says – Work hard + rest well = Best performance – and that even God the creator of all worked on this principle. He worked hard at creating the earth (as you know that is no small feat) and then on the Seventh Day he RESTED!!!
  • Realising that I will not be there for them during the final lead up to probably the most important event of their lives. But having faith that I have prepared them well, imparted knowledge, confidence and the Knowing what to do on them that they will be successful. And letting them have the realisation that even though I am not their with them, that my heart is there with them and every stroke they take.
  • Hoping / desiring / wishing for contact with them just to hear that all is going well and everything is on track according to plan.
  • Finally the only thing left to do is commit their lives, the last 15-20 days of preparation (whilst on training camp with the national teams and coaches for their respective countries) and their performances at the games to the Lord, that that if it is his will and he is satisfied with what has been done and what they stand for, their will reach and even surpass the desired and potential achievements there are destined for.


Race well Guys!

God Bless



Tuesday, July 15, 2008

So who's plant has been Mauled the worst???

So the other day we got back home after Pizza @ the Leenstra's to find that the body corporate of our complex was not satisfied with the state of our small front Garden bed, which we are supposed to look after and have not - OOPS! So the decided to do somethign about it and made it differently. One of the things they did was palnt a lonesome evergreen planty thingy (no idea what it is called). But obviously they did not like the longer leaves and decided to make it look like the poor plant has just joined the US Army - short back, no sides and Flat top.

After Robyn stopped laughing her head off we realised it looked like time for a competition, time to show the leenstra's that it is not only their plant that looks kie a war veteran. So here it is Competition Time!!!

Check out our before and after photo's of our poor plant (thanks though to the Body Corporate for trying to do soemthing about our garden bed).

This is what these plants usually look like!

And this is what ours looks like now!

So if you scroll down to the bottom of my blog you can vote for whose plant came of second best!

You can view the Leenstra's Plant on

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Farewell Kelli

Today we say Farewell to Kelli Zlateff as she heads back to Ohio in the US this week. Kelli has been part of Ambassadors in Sport over the last number of months here in Pretoria, SA. Kelli has been part of our cell at Eastside and it has been really cool to see her passion for the Lord, her dedication to the Amabassadors soccer ministry and her outlook on life and love for others. It was highlighted to me with her trip to Zambia with some soccer girls over the month of June and her feedback that showed her excitement for what God was doing through their ministery in Zambia was amazing.
We really wish her well and prayer for abundant blessings when she moves home and also gets married in November as she starts the next chapter of her life in serving God. It is through people like Kelli and organisations such as Ambassadors in Sport that people passionate for sport can see the splendour of God.
God Bless Kel on your new adventures.
The Balls

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Pizza @ the Leenstra's

Pizza @ the Leenstra's - that sounds like a song. No that is 'Breakfast @ tiffany's'. Anyways, we planned a "Kuier" with the Leenstra's last night seeing that we have not had cell for a while due to the school holidays. So Pizza's it was. After much deliberation, negotiation, coercion, renegotiation, should it be thick or thin base, the order was made! Romans pizza it was (cause there is only just one pizza place where you can buy 1 get 1 free - like in the infomercials!).

Off the hunters in the repsective families went to go an get the kill and bring home the bacon & perporoni & Cheese for alex! It is amazing how the Leenstra's after only 13 months of being here are already part of this country. We walked right in, No Order number (not like Rob's and I who have been living here all our lives and no one at Romans knows us), passed the 2 large boxes straight to Scott (no questions asked), we paid and left. Man guys, I think Romans in Montana are going to miss you guys! Do think their pizza sales will drop in around 5 weeks time.

Anyway's the pizza was great - even the piece I just had for breakfast - and we had a great evening catching up checking out possible houses for when they move back home AND my blogging best friend, Lia, showed me a cool trick for the blog - Feedjit, i think it is called. Now i too can check out who and from where is checkign out THE BALLS. So big brother is watching!


Tuesday, July 8, 2008

What a last 14 days

The last 2 weeks have been good. The challenge of one car is still there but I must admit I think I am starting to enjoy the chauffer driven lifestyle as Rob's drops me off and picks me up from work. And Rob's is alot more economical on petrol which is especially helpful with the R10 per liter mark being reached.
Holiday club was an absolute blessing to Rob's and I saw her excited, motivated and absoluting thriving on her involvement there. I realised that working with young kids is an absolute passion for Rob's and something she needs to pursue further.
This last weekend saw us having not one but yes two weddings on the same day within 6km of one another. Man we felt like we were in the scene for the wedding crashers. It was however two very awesome weddings and we wish both couples namely Jana & Nico and Marna & Martin, all the best as they start the next exciting chapters in their lives as married couples. May their love for one another grow from strength to strength and may it blossom as they grow closer to the Lord.
We also heard the Scott & Lia and the two awesome little ones will be returning to the states (no not the Free States) in 6 weeks times. They have really become part of our church, cell and lives over the 13 months they have been here. This brings closure to there time here in SA and we really wish them well with their planning to return home and we will miss them. At least they can say that they made a baby in afrrica, something not many Americans can say.
anyways, all good and so we keep on bouncing, sometimes backwards but mostly forwards.

Good Reads

  • The Bible
  • The Me I want to Be - John Ortberg
  • When the game is over, it all goes back in the box - John Ortberg
  • Holy Discontent - Bill Hybels
  • Courageous Leadership - Bill Hybels
  • Leading Like Jesus - Ken Blanchard
  • Outliers - Malcolm Gladwell

Book Review Corner

Holy Discontent - Bill Hybels

The author challenges us to say what is our / my Holy Discontent. What is that thing that you just feel I must do something about, at whatever the cost! He uses the example of a Mother Theresa in India, a Martin Luther King who said I cant stand for racism and inequality any more.

What did I take from this book? Well what is my Holy Discontent? What is that thing that drives me deep to the core and at whatever cost I must do!