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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Praise the Lord!

“Praise the Lord! Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever.”

Over the last period of time it amazes me how we as a family have been blessed. Once again you realise that God is good and great and that His endless love and mercy endures forever for each one of us. We have been blessed abundantly over the now 1 year and 8 months we have been married and over our entire existences. We are blessed with

·         Family that loves us

·         friends that are firm in faith and that we are able to learn from, and that care for us

·         a church that we can call home, where we can grow in our faith

·         a cell group where we can share our faith

·         a beautiful home, that we can open the doors to friends &families

·         jobs that are our passions and are not just another work!

·         being able to work with people to try and assist them improving there quality of life

·         being blessed by being able to work with athletes that compete at all levels of sport right through to Olympic level

I read this verse from Psalm 106 verse 1 and it just made me realise how blessed we are and that I needed to share this with all.

May you all be blessed as we have been blessed, as we try and walk a closer road with God, as we try and become Gods Champions.



Thursday, August 7, 2008

Beijing Paralympics

I am so proud of my folks. For almost 20 years they have been serving the sport of swimming in Ladysmith and South Africa. Many hours next to pool deck, many hours in meetings, many years of being on committees, many years or helping organising gala’s and many years of love and total care for their swimmers, they have been rewarded with a big one. My folks have been coaching a swimmer with Cerebral Palsy for around the last 4 years and this has all culminated in Beth qualifying for the Paralympics in September. Man I am so proud of them. I am so proud of what they have achieved in their lives and what lessons have been able to earn through and from them I will cherish! So a Big Up to the Senior Balls!!!


What makes this also special is the fact that they, for the first time will be leaving the shores of Africa and will be heading into the unknown, the FAR EAST! They will be going to watch the games and I really know they are going to have an awesome time! Folks, just remember if you would rather not know what you are eating, then don’t ask! Love you guys!


Plant race

So in the race of whose plant is anyway or whose plant is worse off, it seems that with 2 days left to vote, that the Leenstra’s may be pulling off a win. Look deep down I must admit, who would actually do that to there type of plant, so I think even I am now siding with there’s!!!


Good Reads

  • The Bible
  • The Me I want to Be - John Ortberg
  • When the game is over, it all goes back in the box - John Ortberg
  • Holy Discontent - Bill Hybels
  • Courageous Leadership - Bill Hybels
  • Leading Like Jesus - Ken Blanchard
  • Outliers - Malcolm Gladwell

Book Review Corner

Holy Discontent - Bill Hybels

The author challenges us to say what is our / my Holy Discontent. What is that thing that you just feel I must do something about, at whatever the cost! He uses the example of a Mother Theresa in India, a Martin Luther King who said I cant stand for racism and inequality any more.

What did I take from this book? Well what is my Holy Discontent? What is that thing that drives me deep to the core and at whatever cost I must do!